新州华人电脑协会(NJCCPS) 4月15日在Rutgers University Douglass Student Center成功举办2017年年会,年会的主题是科技创新•职场发展•金融投资•创新创业。这次年会由Rutgers大学中国学生学者联谊会(RCSSA)协办,有200多人注册参加。中国驻纽约总领事馆也派李玎、钟文燕领事参加。
年会由新州华人电脑协会副会长陈启秀与Rutgers大学中国学生学者联谊会公关部长Wendy Liu共同主持。电脑协会会长沈波代表电脑协会欢迎嘉宾以及会员参加年会,并汇报了协会这一年开展的活动,以及协会将要举办的活动。
AT&T高级副总裁陆惠晨介绍正在开发的AT&T新一代软件系统及5G新技术的运用,还通过自己的职业生涯, 阐述了如何克服华裔职场天花板、领导力的培养、与其他种族的同事友好相处,以及华裔和印度裔职场发展比较。
本次活动得到 AVTECH 培训学院 、CyberMed 、Premium Technology 、RealMart Realty、夏茉餐馆以及资深贷款经纪李新的赞助。
2017年4月15日(星期六) 1:00PM - 5:30PM (12:30开始注册)
Rutgers university, Douglass student center, Trayes Hall
100 George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (848) 932-9372
注册链接: (点击此链接进入注册界面) 本次活动提供drone with camera (无人机)等礼品抽奖。4月1日之前注册发三张奖券,4月1日之后注册发两张奖券,现场注册发一张。由于场地限制注册可能提前关闭。
新州华人电脑协会(NJCCPS),大纽约地区最著名最活跃的华人社团之一,将于四月十五日,星期六下午1:00PM – 5:30PM 在新州New Brunswick市Rutgers University举办年会。年会的主题是科技创新•职场发展•金融投资•创新创业。12:30开始注册,欢迎会员及各界朋友参加。
IT及相关行业变化日异月新,新技术和新产品层出不穷。大数据、人工智能、SDN、5G等技术近几年发展突飞猛进,如何更新知识并把握发展趋势?创业创新是科技界的永恒话题,想听听创业者的亲身经历和投资者的观点吗?职场中如何找到最合适的工作、克服华裔职场天花板以及与其他种族的同事友好相处?如何看待经济全球化、预测今年美国/中国经济并进行科技投资?罗格斯大学信息安全中心主任熊辉教授, AT&T高级副总裁陆惠晨先生,美国奥本海默基金公司高级副总裁李山泉先生,龙门资本董事总经理朱丽洁女士,Fox Rothschild律师事务所专利律师马越先生,CyberMed公司CEO应金品先生等将会带来精彩的演讲。
Seminar Contact
Frank Shen
frank.shen@njccps.org (732-447-6995)
Media Contact
Tom Chen
qixiu_chen@yahoo.com (848)-468-6795)
Sponsorship Contact
Ling Liang
罗格斯大学信息安全中心主任、正教授 (终身教授)
Dr. Hui Xiong is currently a Full Professor and Vice Chair in the Management Science and Information Systems Department, and the Director of Rutgers Center for Information Assurance at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, where he received a two-year early promotion/tenure (2009), the Rutgers University Board of Trustees Research Fellowship for Scholarly Excellence (2009), and the Best Research Paper Award at the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor (Grand Master Chair Professor) at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). For his outstanding contributions to data mining and mobile computing, he was elected an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2014.
熊辉教授目前为美国罗格斯-新泽西州立大学罗格斯商学院管理科学与信息系统系副系主任、罗格斯大学信息安全中心主任、正教授 (终身教授)、RBS院长讲席教授,博士生导师,并担任中国科学技术大学大师讲席教授。 此外,熊辉教授还担任中国证券业协会互联网证券专业委员会、中国计算机学会大数据专家委员会委员和中国房地产评估协会顾问。
Dr. Xiong is a prominent researcher in the areas of business intelligence, data mining, big data, and geographic information systems (GIS). He has a distinguished academic record that includes 200+ referred papers in conference proceedings and journals, and an authoritative Encyclopedia of GIS (Springer). He is serving on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), and IEEE Transactions on Big Data. Also, he served as a Program Co-Chair of the Industrial and Government Track for the 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2012), a Program Co-Chair for the IEEE 2013 International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2013), and a General Co-Chair for the IEEE 2015 International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2015).
熊辉教授在研究领域成绩斐然,获得的部分奖项包括ACM杰出科学家,IBM 创新奖, 罗格斯-新泽西州立大学最高学术奖—the Rutgers University Board of Trustees Research Fellowship for Scholarly Excellence (2009)。为了表彰熊辉教授卓有成效的工作,在2009年,罗格斯大学破格提前两年晋升熊辉博士为副教授并终身教授。 主要学术成果包括:1本专著;3本编著,其中Encyclopedia of GIS(Springer)被评为最受欢迎前十名的Springer华人作者的计算机著作,并被CHOICE Review评为CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Year 2008,; 学术论文200余篇,其中有60余篇发表在包括Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal、IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering、VLDB Journal、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、Machine Learning、IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing在内的顶级权威刊物上,有32篇发表在数据挖掘的顶级学术会议 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)上。
熊辉教授目前担任Encyclopedia of GIS (Springer)的共同主编,并担任IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering (TKDE), IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD), ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) and ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS)的副主编,曾担任了多个会议的组织和程序委员,其中包括KDD-2012的企业及政府主题的共同程序主席, IEEE 2013 International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)的共同程序主席,IEEE-2015的共同大会主席,以及KDD-2018的研究专题程序委员会主席。
熊辉教授的研究工作被Forbes, Xinhua News Agency, the Economist, Harvard Business Review, and the Wall Street Journal等媒体广泛报道。其中,经济学人杂志(the Economist)在2016年专文重点介绍了熊教授利用大数据技术预防犯罪的研究工作 (Economist Article Title: Cutpurse capers),同时哈佛商业评论在2016年也以专文重点介绍他的关于人力大数据分析的前沿工作。
在人才培养方面,熊辉教授指导的五名博士毕业生均成为美国知名大学TENURE-TRACK助理教授,包括田纳西大学 (University of Tennessee-Knoxville) 、亚利桑那大学 (University of Arizona)、纽约州立大学石溪分校(Stony Brook University)、密苏里科技大学(Missouri University of Science and Technology)、和德雷塞尔大学 (Drexel University)。
People Analytics (Talent Analytics),智能化的大数据人才管理与分析,就是利用数据分析的方法,帮助企业或者组织进行更加科学的、客观的、带有前瞻性的人才管理和组织决策。。
The big data trend has made its way to talent management. Indeed, the availability of large-scale human resources (HR) data provide unparalleled opportunities for business leaders to understand talent behaviors and generate useful talent knowledge, which in turn deliver intelligence for real-time decision making and effective people management at work. In this talk, introduce the state-of-the-art techniques used to evaluate the management performance, recruit and retain great people, enhance talent development, and demonstrate how these techniques are used at cutting-edge companies. Particularly, will address how data analytic techniques can be used on people-related issues, such as recruiting, performance evaluation, talent retention, talent development, job matching, team management, and organizational stability analysis. Finally, will present two case studies: 1) recruitment market trend analysis with sequential latent variable models, and 2) talent circle detection in job transition networks.
David H. Lu (陆惠晨)
David Lu, Vice President, D2 Platform & Systems Development, is currently responsible for development and engineering of AT&T next generation ECOMP platform and Open ECOMP (ONAP) to enable the AT&T network virtualization (SDN) and target OSS/BSS transformation including API, micro-services, policy control & orchestration, hyper-automation, and advanced data analytics. He leads an organization with more than 3,000 people across the globe.
David is a well-respected leader in large scale and real time software architecture and engineering, network performance and traffic management, work flow and policy controlled automation, large databases and big data implementation/mining/analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, software reliability and quality, and network operations process engineering. Examples of his achievements include large scale platforms he has led and engineered that process annually: 347 Trillion network performance events and 168 Billion alarms with 99.99%+ automation; 60 Million dispatches with 14.4 Billion automated manual steps; and over 90 Billion API transactions.
Since joining AT&T Bell Labs in 1987, he has served in various leadership positions at AT&T. He has led multiple extreme automation initiatives in AT&T that resulted in Multi-Billion Dollars savings in the past 15 years and won AT&T CIO 100 Awards in 2010. He holds 38 patents and has frequently appeared as a guest speaker at technical and leadership seminars and conferences throughout the world. He received numerous industry awards including the 2015 Chairman’s Award from IEEE Communication Society for Network and Systems Quality and Reliability and 2017 CIE AAEOY (Asian America Engineer of Year) Award. He has also been very active in community organizations and activities including AT&T APCA, DFW-CIE, and DFW Asian American Chamber of Commerce. He was recognized by AT&T APCA with the 2015 Corporate Leadership Award.
He was accepted to the world-renowned Shanghai Conservatory of Music and came to the U.S. to complete his college education. He has an undergraduate degree in music, majoring in cello performance and graduate degree in Computer Science.
5G新技术的运用,software-centric networking和 開放原始碼的二次开发。
作为软件工程的前辈, 同时他将会用自己的经历阐述如何克服华裔职场天花板, 领导力的培养及与其他种族的同事友好相处。
SDN and its Critical Role in Unlocking Social & Economic Potential
In the last decade, the communications industry has connected roughly 2.5 billion people to the internet and the world. This unprecedented connectivity effort has boosted economic and political freedom. New technologies continue to expand that freedom and that potential, including innovations like 5G and the Internet of Things. David Lu will illustrate how AT&T’s transformation strategy built on software-centric networking is powering this new connected economy across the globe and benefiting geographic regions that were previously unreachable. Service delivery is accelerating like never before and companies are deploying new services and chaining them together on demand. Much has been done, though much remains to be done. David will outline his vision for how developing software in the open source communities, jointly with industry and R&D alike, is essential to accelerate communication service advances thus unlocking human potential in years to come. David will also highlight key attributes for career and leadership development in the new ecosystem.
朱丽洁是龙门资本的董事总经理、阔伯在线和阔伯新星的创始人、《清华金融评论》的签约专家。她曾经担任美国商会联盟的轮值主席、中国国际贸易促进会(CCPIT) 对外理事会副理事长、以及亚洲金融协会的董事。朱丽洁女士拥有超过10年在美国、欧洲及亚洲的金融和媒体行业的从业经验。朱丽洁女士在2011年获得由美国亚裔商务发展中心颁发的美国50杰出亚裔企业家称号。
龙门资本投资总监 CFA
Xuan Luo is the finance director of Dragon Gate Investment Partners. She specializes in selecting and managing portfolio companies. With years of experience in the cross-border market between the United States and China, Ms. Luo obtained deep understanding of both primary and secondary markets. She is a CFA Charter holder with solid financial knowledge and strong background in FinTech and TMT. She helped dozens of early-stage high-growth companies resolve their developing and financing problems. She also held positions at Funsing Technology, China Mining United Fund and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Ms. Luo received a Master of Science degree in Analytical Finance from Lehigh University, and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from China University of Geosciences.
Jason Vu
Jason Vu was born in Saigon, Vietnam and his grandparents from his father’s side is originally from Guandong, Guangzhou province. He grew up most of his life in Honolulu, Hawaii and went to high school in Houston, Texas and college at the University of Texas at Austin studying Electrical Engineering. He started working at Metropolitan Life Insurance in network administration. He was a manager of AS/400 minicomputers and Novell and Microsoft NT networking with Columbia Pictures/Tri-Star Pictures, that was later bought and became Sony Pictures, the movie studio. He worked as director of software development and networking infrastructure at the United Way of New York City. After crash of the markets and dot-com implosion he started working as a recruiter in the financial information technology industry for over ten years at SANS Consulting, The Leverage Group and Gromwell IT. He has experience recruiting for software engineers, project managers, business analysts, IT executives, and infrastructure technical staff for the sell-side international banks, hedge funds, and asset managers.
Insight of Job Market
马越(Matthew Ma)
Fox Rothschild律师事务所专利律师
马越博士现任Fox Rothschild律师事务所专利律师,于2007年成为专利代理,曾出版《Fundamentals of Patenting and Licensing for Scientists and Engineers》(英文,再版),《知识产权管理大全》(中文)等著作,并连续三年在清华大学教授《创新与专利战略》课程。他转入知识产权之前,从事了15年高科技领域的研发。曾任松下北美研究所高级科学家,出版了两部推荐系统和多媒体移动通讯技术的科技书籍,发表了30篇以上的论文,是14项美国授权专利的发明人及IEEE高级会员。他毕业于清华大学,美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校,东北大学,分获电子和计算机工程学士,硕士,博士学位,并于Seton Hall大学获法学博士。
马博士将从发明人和企业管理等非法律专业人士的独特角度谈论知识产权相关的实际问题。 他将通过案例和实操让您了解知识产权资产保护的相关法律,专利法基础知识,“美国发明法案”(AIA)对发明人的影响,知识产权战略的成功经营,发表文章和申请专利的区别,专利价值评估,如何与专利律师或代理人沟通,美国临时专利申请及提交,以及专利,许可和项目合同中的常见陷阱。
Matthew will talk about practical intellectual property (IP) issues from the unique perspective of non-legal professionals such as inventors and engineering managers. Matthew will take you through case laws and practical examples to touch upon various topics including relevant laws for protecting IP assets, basics of patent law and the impact of America Invents Act (AIA) on inventors, IP strategies for a successful business, selecting between publishing and patenting, evaluating a patent, working with patent attorneys or agents, filing a U.S. provisional patent application electronically, and common pitfalls in patenting, licensing and engineering contracts.
应金品博士曾为朗讯公司高级工程师,开发并拥有光通讯领域多项发明专利,令光通讯技术超前实际应用十来年。后转任Addabbo联邦医疗中心信息总监十多年。亦为纽约市医疗信息技术委员会成员,以及卫生部紧急救难医疗系统部成员。2011年创立CyberMed并任CEO和president, 为病患者及医院提供electronic health record(EHR)电子病历及远程医疗服务.