The New Jersey Chinese Computer Professionals Society (NJCCPS) is a non-profit organization of the Chinese computer professionals who are willing to share knowledge and information, help each other, pursue personal growth and contribute to the community and society. Since its first public seminar in 1994, the NJCCPS has organized over 60 public seminars, 200 public Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings, and 117 community, volunteer and other social activities. More than 120,000 audience have attended these activities.
NJCCPS welcomes corporate sponsorship and support for our annual technical activities and community services. NJCCPS Corporate Membership Program (CMP) is a program to reach out individual members and corporate members, and bridge the gap between these two parties in order to provide better serve to both. Both parties will benefit in a longer run. Corporate membership program provides corporate members all the access and benefits of individual members as well as other resources. Employees of corporate members have access to all NJCCPS talks, seminars and other activities as individual NJCCPS members do. Besides the monthly seminars and workshops, we have Special Interests Group and community activities with other local groups to enhance the public education of computer technologies and improve the social contacts to better serve the community. Corporate members are welcome to participate and sponsor our technical and community activities. We maintain a web presence, email circle, newsletter and year book to reach out hundreds of IT professionals as well as other interesting parties.
NJCCPS is currently leading a project which will build an international network of Chinese Computer Professionals to share knowledge and exchange information. NJCCPS provides an ideal environment for computer and IT professionals and encourage future collaborations and cooperation. The annual corporate membership fee is $500 - $5000. Please send us email by clicking on Contact Us
NJCCPS Steering Committee
New Jersey Chinese Computer Professionals Society